


Fire Extinguishing Aerosol Generator AGS-2/4

ags-24-1Designed to generate a mixture of gas and aerosol, a necessary volumetric concentration which stops the flame from burning.

AGS-2/4 is resistant to vibration, and is therefore recommended for the protection of vehicles. It is also used in areas of average volume. AGS-2/4 has a number of modifications in types of attachment and the direction of aerosol spray.



  • ags-24-2The AGS 2/4 is cylinder-shaped with a metal case, and has a nozzle cap on the exterior. Due to the contact cooler inside the body, it has a low temperature aerosol spray.

    Principle of operation:

    By applying an electrical pulse to the activation unit that is installed inside the generator, the aerosol charge is ignited. Combustion products passing through the cooling unit, exit through the nozzle on the cover of the generator and enter the protected area.

    Manufacturer’s warranty:

    The manufacturer guarantees the generator agrees with the Russian National Standard technical requirements if the consumer abides by the instructions specified in the instruction manual.

    The warranty period for the generator – 18 months.

    Utilization period – 5 years.

    Lifetime – 10 years

    Certificate (AGS-2/4)

    Instruction manual

  • aximum protected volume in sealed room
    (d * <0,001 m-1)
    21 m3
    Curb weight of the generator 5,1 kg
    Weight aerosol charge 1,6 kg
    Working time 40 minutes
    Diameter 167 mm
    Height 180 mm
    Activation unit UST-7.5
    Resistance of the activation unit 7,8±0,8 ohm
    Minimum start-up current 1.5А
    Starting voltage 12
    The duration of the trigger pulse not less than 2.0 sec
    The inertia of the generator < 2,0 sec
    Operating Conditions
    Operating Temperature Range ± 50 °С
    relative humidity at 25 ° C. 98 %
    mechanical influences (in the frequency range up to 100 Hz) 1g
    Classes of fire-fighting a-class.gif b-class.gif

  • ags-24-3 ags-24-4 ags-24-5 ags-24-6
    AGS-2 / 4-1-1
    Aerosol exits through the generator axis. Mounted on flange.
    AGS-2 / 4-2-1
    Aerosol exits through 360* perimeter. Mounted on flange.
    AGS-2 / 4-1-4
    Aerosol exits through the generator axis. Mounted on stand.
    AGS-2 / 4-2-4
    Aerosol exits through the generator axis. Mounted on stand.