Universal Air Cooled Generator AGS-11/6
Designed for generating gas-aerosol mixture at concentrations required to extinguish a fire.
Applies to:
AGS-11/6 is recommended for the protection of vehicles, electronic equipment, high-voltage power installations, various high-frequency devices operating in including vehicles, since it corresponds to the requirements of vibration loads on railway / road and air transport.
Maximum protected volume of conditionally sealed room
(d * <0,001 m-1)48m3 Curb weight of the generator 4.5 kg Weight of the aerosol charge 2.5 kg Working time 40 Dimensions Width 235 mm Height 198 mm Activation starter UST-7.5 -built
BP-7.5-7.5-VRTH to screwVEE, VELTH- to screw Resistance of the activation starter 7,8 ± 0,8 Ohm 2.5 – 4 ohms Minimum start-up current 1.5А 0.4 А Starting voltage 12 1.5 – 24 The duration of the trigger pulse not less than 2.0 sec not less than 0.1 sec The inertia of the generator starter <2.0 sec Operating Conditions Operating Temperature Range ± 50 °С. relative humidity at 25 ° C. 98% Classes of fire-fighting restab]